Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Powerful and Explosive Tee Ball Batting Tips:

Powerful Tee Ball Batting Tips:
Transform batting swings from average to awesome. 

Purpose:  The purpose of this list is to help touch on some key points when observing the batting posture of one of your players.  Most of the time, new coaches don't know what to look for when teaching a player how to swing a bat and make contact.  Utilizing these guidelines to help adjust the stance, swing and follow-through of the hitter and create explosive results.

Equipment: A batting helmet for safety, batting tee and ball.

  1. Have batter stand in the batting box and adjust the tee so that it is waist level to the batter.
  2. Have batter face the tee, knees bent and shoulder width apart. The balls of the feet should support the players weight.  Have batter place a slight curve in their back.
  3. Batter should grip the bat firmly with knuckles pointing up. The hands should be above the knob of the bat and knob pointing down.
  4. Instruct the player to hold the bat steady and bring the bat out, up and towards their back without changing their grip.  Remember knot of bat should be pointing in a downward direction. 
  5. Shoulders should be level and eyes focused on the ball.
  6. When player is ready to swing, have them take a small step with their leading foot and swing with their eyes on the ball.
  7. Swing should be level, head down and bat swung through the ball.
  8. Player should shift their weight to the forward foot while the back foot pivots with toes facing forward and heel up.  Observe the hip rotation.
  9. Watch player complete the follow through and drop the bat at the completion of the swing.
  10. Note: Keep these things in mind. Eyes on the ball, grip and knob position, foot position, weight shift, hip rotation and swing.
These things should be observed when batting.  Additionally, having the player raise their back heel prior to the swing prevents them from lunging forward toward the tee and helps them focus on weight shift and proper foot pivoting.  Practice these often and your team will develop strong batting skills.  Always give positive encouragement and keep it fun.

If this is your first time coaching a tee ball team, take a look at my post on A FIRST TIME TEE BALL COACH'S SURVIVAL KIT:

Thank you for your time.  I hope you enjoyed this post.  If you have the time, please leave a comment and share. 
For more tips to help improve your team, stop by Teerrificteeball.com and have a look around.  Together we will make those kids awesome.

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